Monday, March 15, 2021

Dear Cabbit....shift happens...

I'm on the phone with my friend, and observing things going on in the collective...
It feels like today a big shift is about admitting to how we are lying to ourselves and others and using that to dissasociate and take advantage of others trauma...
Which then makes us feel like we're stuck at a locked door where we have a 1,000 keys and none of them seem to work for it, even though we KNOW the key is on that ring.
We even know that we have the right key in there, and that we just have to turn it a certain way or push the door up at the same time in order to get it to open..
Though because we don't know which key is the right key, we have to patiently try each key again and again until we get the right key at the right angle with the right pressure and the locked door opens...

It feels like BIG things are happening today...
That I'm getting the right pieces for me, and you're getting the right pieces for you...
And that's going to burst communication WIDE open VERY soon...
