Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Dear Cabbit...virginity...

Just talked with a friend about the difference between losing your 3d body virginity vs losing your sacred body virginity.

Which got me to thinking about how as it sits, I've not done anything physical with anyone in over a year. 

Which has created a certain anxiety for me in the idea of doing so now.

Esp with how much I want for YOU to have this totally tight and refreshed "new" me...

It's funny, cuz as much as I love and am excited at the idea of a special new exp with a new person..

I'm even more excited at this incredible exp that we've manifested virginal us...

Which is all we were missing for the kind of sacred handfasting we wanted...

I'm loving imagining that we could do the whole corny "wait to be married" thing...

And then have that super special moment on the evening of...

It mixes in the magick..

The sacredness...

The chastity...


And I know how much you've always loved how soft, tight, and wet I am...

It feels like I can feel you imagining what it'll be like to experience all those feelings even MORE intensely...

The feeling of that happening is so delicious.

I'm loving living in the magick of that vision.

So I'm just gonna live in it for right now, while imagining your consciousness and heart are also in a wonderful vision of us..