The bath house scene.
When Bret said his papy taught him to "never put all his eggs in one basket"..
Followed by him explaining he knew what the last card would be, was "magick"..
Esp after how he did manifestation throughout the movie, like I show you..
And then having the big line in "amazing grace" following that..
"To save a wretch like me"..
Funny enough, whereas I'd usually assume that spirit lead you to movies like that synchronistically and you had no plans to watch something that would clearly lead you to beautiful thoughts about us...
Though I'm starting to get the feeling you're really awake and aware now..
And that you're watching movies like that, to help you re-member yourself and me...
That you might even have told me you watched it, as an intentional clue this time..
A delicious absurdity to imagine..
I look forward to finding out soon, lol.