Friday, March 26, 2021

Dear Cabbit...the pull...

The pull is so strong right now.
Esp with our youngest playing lots of reggae and Marley.
All the songs you love.
That talk about love.
About redemption.
About following your heart.

It's a return on the energy that came in after you left, that we talked about around the time that we had that first buzz inn dinner in granite.
When you talked about how she was playing uncle Kracker songs on repeat, and I told you how hard it was to feel emotionally okay when our youngest was constantly playing your music and that I had to see his name all the time, which is obviously the same as yours except the IV/V.

And I know from the wrangler you showed our youngest that you're working on today; with plates that equal 17...
That you're getting many signs and syncs too, that are making it hard not think of us.

Heck, just the fact that you were hearing Madonna's "like a virgin" in your head on the same day the gals and I were talking about virginity, tells me we are much more lined up and in sync that it appears.
Much like the side mirrors on the cars say "objects are much closer then they appear".

It feels like that's you and me rn.
We're much closer then it appears.
And are almost to that point of being back in union, this time much more awake and aware then we've ever been before.

Until then, I'm just doing my best to alchemize these sad frustrated feels into the joy of knowing you'll be free soon, and that if nothing else, I'll get to watch you really glow up and learn to be you.
To love you.
To love who you are.
To pursue your potential.

That'll be great to observe.